Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"DragonFire" by Donita K. Paul

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The battle between good and evil?

Calm down, Potter-heads.  While I'd loooovveeee another Harry Potter book, this isn't it.

Nevertheless, it's still pretty awesome.  But no pressure.

DragonFire is part of the the DragonKeeper Chronicles by Donita K. Paul, and I promise that it doesn't disappoint.

Action.  Adventure.  Love.

It's a winner.

Kale and Bardon have the task of saving their land called Amara, challenging an evil husband-and-wife wizard duo, and most of all...

...find, hatch, and train an army of dragons.

All in a day's work, right?

No way.

Check out this book today.  I insist.  While you're at it, mosey on over to Donita K. Paul's website and explore what else awaits you in the DragonKeeper Chronicles.

What other teens think about this book:
  • This was such an awesome book! - Kale W., 14

See DragonFire in Salina Public Library's Catalog:

See DragonFire on

Paul, Donita K.  DragonFire.  Colorado Spings: WaterBook Press, 2007.  Print.  ISBN-1400072514, paperback, USD $9.99.

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