Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Premiere" by Melody Carlson

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Premiere is the first book in  Melody Carlson's series "On the Runway," and features Erin Forrester and her sister, Paige.  They've just been offered their own fashion-themed reality T.V. show, and Paige can't wait to be in front of the camera.

Erin, however, prefers to be behind it.  Filming. 

Erin is a new Christian and is faced with being true to herself and her faith amidst the chaos of reality T.V. and a sister who doesn't understand Erin's faith.

Here is an awesome video about what Erin and Page face in Premiere:

See what other teens think about this book:

  • This book had a slow start, but I ended up laughing and crying along with the girls. - Kelly B., 17

See Premiere in Salina Public Library's Catalog:

See Premiere on

zondervan. (2012, March 8). On the Runway [Video File]. Retrieved from:

Carlson, Melody.  Premiere. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2010. Print. ISBN-9780310717867, paperback, USD $9.99.

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