Thursday, December 13, 2012

"The Last Archangel" by Michael D. Young

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Ever made a mistake?

In the opening pages of Michael D. Young's book The Last Archangel, you meet Xander and are there when he learns of his ultimate punishment.

Xander has been exiled to earth forever because he made some serious mistakes.

Heaven?  Hell?  Angels?  Demons?

I'm in!

Read it.  I know you'll love it.  But first, check out Michael D. Young's blog site!

What other teens think about this book:

  • It was an interesting book, but not really my thing. - Abby W., 19

See The Last Archangel in Salina Public Library's Catalog

See The Last Archangel on

Michael Young.  (2011, April 11).  The Last Archangel Trailer3.0.mp4 [Video File].  Retrieved from:

Young, Michael D.  The Last Archangel.  Springville, Utah: Bonneville Books, 2011.  Print.  ISBN-9781599558943, paperback, USD $12.99.

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