Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"True Blue" by Jane Smiley

Photo Credit: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10942254-true-blue

Did you hear that?

Abby did.

Abby Lovitt's family runs a ranch, and when a tragic accident kills the owner of a beautiful dapple gray horse, Abby's family takes the horse to their ranch to care for him until someone claims him.

But no one ever does.

True Blue is sweet and gentle, and seems to have formed a bond with Abby.  Mysteriously though, True Blue seems... spooked.

And Abby hears strange whispers sometimes when she is with True Blue.

Read True Blue and discover the ghostly secret True Blue carries.

Jane Smiley won the Pulitzer Prize for her book, A Thousand Acres.

You can catch up with Jane on her Facebook page.

See True Blue in Salina Public Library's Catalog:

See True Blue on Goodreads.com

Smiley, Jane.  True Blue.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. Print.  ISBN-9780375862311, hardback, USD $16.99.

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